Lips, mouth, and teeth

Our lips, mouth, and teeth are not just organs and physical elements of our body but a comprehensive system that influences not only our physical health but also the energetic balance of the organism. It is here, in the oral cavity, that not only the process of digestion begins but also where we establish contact […]


The neck area is a focal point where the energies of Vişuddhi and Kurma chakras flow. This plays a pivotal role in expressing oneself, communicating effectively, navigating personal growth, and embracing new possibilities, all while being mindful of life’s limitations. When faced with challenges in specific life areas, the energy tends to gather in the […]


The area of the elbow is intensively traversed by the energy of the second chakra – Svadisthana. Elbows are associated with intentions. In this area, the energy of our plans and intentions accumulates. In the elbow, the energy of the arm meets – the energy of action and deeds, with purpose and intention. The expression […]


From an energy perspective, hands are important parts of the body that are connected to various aspects of life and chakras. The influence on the area of hands is related to the energy of several different chakras: Heart Chakra (Anahata): Hands are associated with the heart – the source of love, compassion, and empathy. Through […]

Chest and breast

The Heart Chakra – Anahata serves as the guardian of our emotions. In the region of the chest area, we can perceive the reflection of feelings such as love, tolerance, patience, and understanding. When love, understanding, and openness to the world radiate from within us, our chest area becomes more relaxed, allowing for the free […]


Through the area of the shoulder girdle flows the energy of the throat chakra and the sacral chakra, namely Vishuddhi and Svadhisthana. The region of the shoulders, similar to the hip area, is incredibly important for our well-being, range of motion, and overall fitness, but it is also energetically complex. Shoulders are the place where […]


Backs are connected with the energy of the heart chakra, called Anahata. It is here that our higher emotions such as love, tolerance, and understanding manifest. However, in this part of the body, we also find reflections of feelings of abandonment, betrayal, and the sense of being deceived or cheated – this applies to both […]

“Love handles” – the oblique abdominal muscles.

The sides or oblique abdominal muscles are governed by the second chakra: Svadhisthana. This area is mainly associated with ideas, creative thoughts, and interpersonal relationships. All our ideas and concepts gather in this part of the body. However, it is essential not to confuse them with intentions and serious aspirations. Thoughts that arise in this […]


The area around the waist, which is governed by the Manipura chakra, reflects our approach to material and worldly matters, as well as our carefree attitude. It’s a place where we can closely examine our relationship with life and everyday affairs. The strength or weakness of our ego is strongly manifested in this area. In […]

HIPS don’t lie

The first and second chakras (Muladhara and Svadisthana) are responsible for the energy of the hips. The root chakra (Muladhara), located in the area of our tailbone, is responsible for a sense of stability, security, and grounding. It is our foundation, our connection to the Earth. When the root chakra is blocked, we may experience […]